UPSC Interview Strategy: Hear from Toppers, Books for UPSC Interview
As we all know UPSC examination is divided into three stages i.e. Preliminary Examination followed by Main Examination and last but very important Personality Test/ Interview. The interview is like the climax of an interesting story, everything depends on your interview. The interview process is very interesting, important as well as memorable part.
Also, there are very less no. of suggestions or strategies discussed for the interview. It is usually misunderstood, least prepared for and often the most mishandled and mismanaged process. But if you prepare for it well then it is the easiest and most rewarding experience.
So, in this article, we are going to tell you the experience and strategies used by UPSC toppers. The interview has a great scoring potential. It is just a process of 25 minutes to 35 minutes and the scoring marks had a wide range i.e. 140 to 220. It is the last chance for all the candidates to improve scores. Even if you marks in mains are not well and your marks are near cut off, then you can score high in an interview and improve your marks and be in the selection list.
Also read: UPSC strategy by Kothamasu Dinesh Kumar: UPSC IAS topper.
Strategy by Ira Singhal: AIR 1 UPSC 2014
Ira Singhal cracked the exam in 2014 and got the highest rank. According to her the valuable points which need to be considered during your interview are discussed below:
Always prepare your DAF form. You have a complete description of your DAF form. Try to go through your DAF form thoroughly. Do not mention anything wrong with your form. The questions will be asked on the basis of your DAF form.
While appearing for the interview you must be confident enough to face the interview. The panel will analyze everything related to you like your communication skills, your confidence, the way you sit, the way you walk, the way you carry yourself.
Try not to be nervous while you are appearing for the interview. Don’t give the panel any chance to feel them that you are nervous.
Also read: The details of UPSC exam.
Interview Preparation by Nandini K R: AIR 1 CSE 2016
Nandini K R cracked the exam recently and become a national topper. The strategy she suggested to all the candidates is:
Read about the current affairs. Read current affairs from newspaper, online etc. and analyze them. So that you will have a brief idea about what is happening around the world.
Discuss current issues with your friends so that if something you don’t know about you will get to know from your friends. This will help you to know diverse viewpoints and critical comments on an issue.
Also, discuss the questions with your teachers, they have more knowledge than you. They can tell you more about everything.
Go through with your DAF form.
Also see: The inspirational journey of Kirthi Chekuri: UPSC IAS topper.
Strategy for Civil Services Interview by Pravin Sakaria
Personality traits are not inborn but learned and practices. In the interview, your subtle and invisible qualities are assessed by the panel. The basic tendency for interview preparation is shortly known as 5C+2H. let’s discuss in brief about it:
You have to maintain a reasonable level of confidence. Confidence is a result of competence and motivated efforts. To be confident self-satisfaction or self-esteem is the most important part. Just follow the divine cycle:
Consistent practice > Improved performance > Positive feedback > self-satisfaction > self-esteem.
It means being calm and composed. It is a refined confidence. It does not mean being casual or dull. If you wear a smile constantly then it will relax all your facial muscles.
Always listen what other person is speaking and think before saying. Phrase your answer correctly, take your time no need of hurry.
If you ever feel uncomfortable, then do not give up. Trust yourself and stay confident.
Common Sense
You need to utilize your common sense, use for ability regularly.
The main components of common sense answer are:
The sense of humor.
A positive response to negative question.
Creative thinking.
Answers supported by logic.
Communication Practice
Interview involves four important things: presence, listening, thinking and speaking.
Listen calmly what others are saying. Be patient while listening to others.
Presence includes your body language.
Think before verbally responding, it will not cut your marks.
Speaking is very important. Always speak the language you are comfortable with. While using English use the accurate vocabulary, pronounce the words correctly. The quality of your speaking should be good. You need to be polite while speaking.
Charm & Cheer
Maintain a smile on your face. Try to be happy and optimistic. It includes qualities like interest, enthusiasm, sense of humor etc.
Be curious and interested in learning and understanding. Always reply positively.
Must read: Meet Charusree T: UPSC IAS topper.
It means to be yourself, try not to be fake. If you don’t know something, then its ok nobody knows everything. You can frankly say I don’t know, it will protect your confidence.
Example: If the panel asks “What is the sex ratio of your Home state?” If you don’t know the answer then try to implement common sense.
Rather than saying I don’t know. You can reply I don’t know the exact figure but the ratio is adverse to female in my state.
Humility means egoless confidence. You can correct yourself during the interview. Admitting any mistakes with a smile relieves your uneasiness and maintains your calmness and confidence.
Always respect a person who has a contradictory view on the same thing. Everyone has different thinking.
Show faith in yourself and respect to others.
Also read: The list of books for UPSC preparation.
Books for UPSC Interview Preparation
You can also refer to the below books to prepare for the interview. Reading always helps you to score high in an interview. This will improve your vocabulary.
Civil Services Interview: How to Excel – By Madhukar Bhagat
Interviews: The Last Hurdle – Unique Publishers
The UPSC Interview – Knowracle Publishers
Crack Civil Services in First Attempt – Divey Sethi IRS
How To Become An IAS – Dr. Vijay Agrawal
Aap IAS Kaise Banenge – Dr. Vijay Agrawal
The Mega Yearbook 2018 – Current Affairs & General Knowledge for Competitive Exams 2nd edition
The UPSC Interview Deciphering the Personality Test (Hindi)
14000+ Objective Questions – General Studies
Civil Seva Interview Safalta Ke Sutra
Also read: The books for UPSC CSE.
If you have any doubt or need guidance you can comment below, our team will try to answer it.