UPSC CSE 2017 Cut Off
UPSC Civil Services Examination is one of the prestigious & toughest exams in India. The cut off of UPSC CSE 2017 was announced on May 2, 2018. The cut off of prelims of this year is lower than the previous year. As the difficulty level of prelims examination is increased which results in the lower performance. As the prelims cut off is getting low but the cut off of the main examination is improved as compared to the previous years. The pattern of the main examination is mostly the same which makes it predictable which help candidates to clear the examination. This year the cut off has crossed the 1000 marks which show that the level of CSE is getting tougher.
Also read: The journey of Atul Prakash: 2017 UPSC Topper
UPSC 2017 Cut OFF
According to the category wise, the cut of list for this year is given below:
Exam General OBC SC ST PH1 PH2 PH3
Prelims 105.34 102.66 88.66 88.66 85.34 61.34 40.00
Mains 809 770 756 749 734 745 578
Final 1006 968 944 939 923 948 830
The cutoff score is the lowest score which the candidate must score to qualify the Civil Services Examination. The students who were able to clear the prelims examination are only capable to go for mains examination. This year UPSC has declared the list of the minimum cut off marks for CSE 2017 i.e. 33% in general studies paper 2 of prelims.
Also read: The preparation strategy for Law Optional for Main Examination.
Important Points
The cutoff marks of CSE is decided on the base of some points, which are discussed below:
- Last year cut off trends
- Total no of vacancies
- Total no. of candidates participating
- The difficulty level of questions
- Reservation criteria
- Marking scheme
Also read: The journey of Sachin Gupta: 2017 UPSC Topper
Prelims Examination Cut Off
Prelims examination of the first stage of civil services examination. You must clear the prelims examination to go into further stages. Prelims had 2 mandatory papers of 250 marks each. General studies paper 1 (GS paper 1) and general studies paper 2 (GS Paper 2). The prelims papers are also known as Civil Service Aptitude Test (CSAT).
GS paper 1 is very important for prelims. The marks of this paper will be considered for the shortlisting to the mains examination. The cut-off marks of this paper are decided by UPSC.
In GS paper 2 candidates need to score minimum qualifying marks i.e. 33%. The cutoff marks of this paper are not applicable for further selection.
Usually, the no. of candidates shortlisted for mains examination is around 12 to 13 times the no. of vacancies available.
The cut off of prelims for each category is discussed below:
Category 2017 Cut Off 2016 Cut Off 2015 Cut Off 2014 Cut Off
General 105.34 116 107.34 205
OBC 102.66 110.66 106 204
SC 88.66 99.34 94 182
ST 88.66 96 91.34 174
PH1 85.34 75.34 90.66 167
PH2 61.34 72.66 76.66 113
PH3 40.00 40 40 115
Also read: The preparation strategy for Geology Optional for Main Examination.
Mains Examination Cut Off
Mains examination is the second stage of the CSE & this stage is very important for the selection of candidates. Mains examination is consist of 9 papers from which two papers are qualifying papers (Paper A- Indian Language & Paper B- English) and the leftover papers are compulsory papers each of 250 marks. The marks of all the papers will be counted for the merit list.
Only the candidates who have cleared the prelims exam will be allowed to sit for Paper A & Paper B of the main examination.
The candidates must score at least 25% in the seven qualifying papers.
The main examination cut off will be calculated on the basis of minimum marks in each main examination paper which includes GS paper 1, GS paper 2, GS paper 3, GS paper 4, Optional Paper 1 & optional Paper 2.
The cut off marks for the mains examination is decided by the UPSC. The no. of candidates who have shortlisted for the interview is twice the total no. of vacancies available.
The mains cut off category wise is given below:
Category 2017 Cut Off 2016 Cut Off 2015 Cut Off 2014 Cut Off
General 809 778 676 678
OBC 770 745 630 631
SC 756 739 622 631
ST 749 730 617 619
PH1 734 713 580 609
PH2 745 740 627 575
PH3 578 545 504 449
Also read: The journey of Anu Kumari: 2017 UPSC Topper
Interview Cut Off
The interview is the last stage of the civil services examination. In this step, a panel of people will take your personality test or personal interview. The questions will be based on your form & about your subjects.
To get to know more about the questions asked in UPSC CSE, read Questions asked in UPSC Interview.
Also read: The preparation strategy for Geography Optional for Main Examination.
Final Ranking Cut Off
After the completion of all the rounds, the UPSC will release a final cut off for the selection of candidates. The cut off is based on the mains examination marks & the interview marks a candidate has scored. In the end, the UPSC will release All India Rank on the basis of the aggregate marks scored in the mains & the interview.
On the basis of the cut off marks, the candidates will be recruited in IAS, IPS, IFS, IRS etc.
The UPSC cut off of previous 4 years with category wise is given below:
General OBC SC ST PH1 PH2 PH3
2017 1006 968 944 939 923 948 830
2016 787 745 739 739 713 740 545
2015 877 834 810 801 802 830 679
2014 889 844 830 811 816 778 713
2013 775 742 719 707 725 718 613
Also read: The journey of Anudeep Durishetty: 2017 UPSC Topper
Dates to Remember for UPSC 2018
The UPSC 2018 is near & all the candidates are waiting for the announcement of some dates. So some of the important dates are.
Notification: February 7, 2018
Application Form: February 7, 2018
Application Ends: March 6, 2018
Admit Card: May 2018
Prelims Exam: June 3, 2018
Result: July/ August 2018
Cut- off: May 2019
Answer Key: May 2019
So this was all about the UPSC cutoffs & some important dates which you have to take care if you are preparing for UPSC.
Also read: The preparation strategy for Anthropology Optional for Main Examination.
If you have any doubt or need guidance you can comment below, our team will try to answer it.