Recent UPSC Toppers Who has Cleared the Exam While Working
Nowadays there are many people who are working in an organization and they want to clear the examination of UPSC. As they are working so they don’t get much time as compared to the persons who are not working. But when there is a will, there is a hope. Anyone can do anything, nothing is impossible now. The working people can also crack the UPSC exam just they have to make some extra efforts for it.
There are many Success full candidate who has cleared UPSC while working in the private or government organization , who has not only cleared the exam however scored ranks under 100, if you think in first instance then yes it is very difficult due to huge syllabus, huge competition etc , still people have cleared it. There are many toppers from CSE 2016 results like
- Mittali Sethi, AIR 56, UPSC CSE 2016 : She was working as dentist, married still she succeeded to grab AIR 56.
- Amogh Gopinath, Rank 171, CSE 2016 : He was working as Aerospace Engineer in a private company, hyderabad still he managed to achieve the target.
- Utkarsh Gupta, First Attempt, AIR 78, CSE 2016 : His story is really inspiring he was working in Software Company and managed to achieve the target
In this article, we will tell you how to prepare for the UPSC examination while you are working
- Time Management : If your schedule is so hectic and you didn’t get enough time for your study then you to manage your time for your preparation. You can make a timetable for yourself and follow it. You can make use of extra time like when you are relaxing in office in your free time then at that time you can study something about your UPSC exams. If you have a lunch break, you can utilize by finishing your lunch early and can study at that time. You have to manage your time according to your schedule. If you reach home early you can study for your examination. Time management plays an important role in every field.
- Utilize your Weekends : As we hear the word Weekend the first thing came to our mind is sleeping, relaxing, enjoying etc. But this is the correct time for your preparation. On weekends you can study as well as relax also. You have a whole day for your preparation. You can make a timetable for your weekends. You can easily give 6-8 hours for your preparation on weekends. So, utilize your weekends properly now and then enjoy it after clearing the exams.
- Prioritize your Work : In order to achieve higher success in your life, you always have to identify what work is important and when. For your preparation, you have to prioritize your daily work. If you can ignore a work for today and give it time tomorrow so, you can study today for your preparation. You can also complete your work early and then study for your examination. You have to give a priority to each and every work in order to remove the wastage of time. It will help you to eliminate your unnecessary work and make you ready for your preparation.
- Utilize Technology : Now we all are living in a world where we get anything with just one click. So, you can also utilize the technology correctly. For example, do not waste your time on social media by seeing unnecessary advertisements or posts etc. Rather than you can join a group of general knowledge, UPSC preparation, news etc. that will give you the information about the latest technology or news which will further help you for your preparation. You can gain general knowledge by using the internet. You can use the Facebook by joining any general knowledge group. You have to choose your right direction. Rather than wasting your time in social media, utilize it in a right way.
- Be Dedicated & Motivated : Dedication plays an important role for any individual. If you are dedicated to what you are doing then you will be motivated and keep doing it. If you are not dedicated or lazy then you will get bored in some time and leave the work.So, to complete your work you have to be motivated and dedicated. You can motivate yourself by watching some motivational videos which will push you to make some extra efforts.
- Push Yourself : If you want to shine as an individual then you have to push yourself from a common person to a bright person. Do not live in your comfort zone, always try to utilize new things, always ready to learn. Do not complaint about anything if they can do it, then you can also do it just make some extra efforts.
- Measure your Growth : Whenever you are working in an organization it is necessary to grow. If you are able to grow in the organization then you are going in right direction. So, the first step is to know that you are growing or not. You have to measure your growth in order to get high success. You can measure your growth through tests. You can measure your growth by seeing some positive changes in you over time. You can prepare yourself to grow by giving some test, by reading or updating yourself about the latest news and technology daily. If you are working and preparing simultaneously then you have to make sure that you are growing.
I hope that our article will tell you all the things about UPSC and solve all your queries regarding this. Prepare yourself for new things and do your work properly else everything will fall into its place. So I think our article will help you in knowing that what UPSC is all about and motivate you to prepare yourself for the exam while you are working.
How To Crack UPSC CSE Being A Working Professional By- IAS Giri Prasad (AIR 643, UPSC CSE 2016 )
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