Electrical Engineering Preparation Strategy for UPSC CSE
Every year UPSC conducts Civil Services Examination (CSE) for the recruitment of various electrical services like IAS, IPS, IRS, IRTS etc. CSE is one of the toughest exams in India. It is a very prestigious exam and it needs a dedicated preparation to clear the exam.
UPSC offers Electrical Engineering as an optional subject for UPSC Main Examination. This subject is suitable only for those students who have a background in electrical engineering. It is highly specialized subject, you need a deep knowledge of this subject to clear the exam.
There are only a few candidates who opt electrical engineering as their optional but it is getting more popular every year & there are successful candidates who cleared the UPSC CSE with electrical engineering as optional.
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What is Electrical Engineering?
Electrical engineering is one of the newer branches of engineering and dates back to the late 19th century. It is the branch of engineering that deals with the technology of electricity. Electrical engineers work on a wide range of components, devices, and systems, from tiny microchips to huge power station generators.
Electrical engineering is a professional engineering discipline that generally deals with the study and application of electricity, electronics, and electromagnetism. Electrical engineering has now subdivided into a wide range of subfields including electronics, digital computers, computer engineering, power engineering, telecommunications, control systems, robotics, radio-frequency engineering, signal processing, instrumentation, and microelectronics.
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Benefits of Electrical Engineering
Everything comes with some benefits or advantages so, some of the advantages of choosing electrical engineering as an optional subject are given below.
- If you will prepare for electrical engineering, then it would not only be beneficial for CSE. But you can also attempt other engineering exams as you will have a good knowledge of the subject & good command over the subject.
- If you are a B.Tech. in electrical engineering then this subject is beneficial for you. You have already studied the subject for four years so you have a knowledge of the subject & you can easily prepare for the exam.
- As this subject is not at all theory based, so you do not have to write a lot on this subject as compared to other subjects.
- This is a science-based subject which made this subject scoring as well.
- In other optional subjects, the interpretation of the examiner plays an important role but there is no role of interpretation of the examiner in this subject.
- If you will practice the diagrams properly then you can easily score well in this subject. There are plenty of diagrams in electrical engineering which makes it easy for candidates to score well.
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Syllabus of Electrical Engineering
Paper 1
- Circuit Theory
- Signals & Systems
- E. M. Theory
- Analog Electronics
- Amplifiers
- Digital Electronics
- Combinational Circuits
- Sequential Circuits
- Energy Conversions
- DC Machines
- Transformers
- Power Electronics
- Semiconductor Power Devices
- Converters
- Electric Drives
- Analog Communication
- Random Variables
- Random Signals
- Noise
- Modulation
Paper 2
- Control Systems
- Stability
- Microprocessors
- Microcomputers
- PC Organization
- Measurement
- Instrumentation
- Error Analysis
- Power Systems
- Power Systems Analysis
- Power Systems Control
- Power System Protection
- Digital Communication
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Paper 1 Strategy
- For circuit theory, you have to solve as many numerals as you can. This topic is entirely based on numerals.
- For next topic signals & systems, it is important to properly go through all the necessary formulas. You should remember all the formulas by making the notes of all the formulas.
- In E. M. theory, you need to again practice the numerical. Try to solve the numerals in a short way rather than solving in a long way. Make the notes of necessary formulas & focus on derivations also.
- For analog electronics, you have to focus on diode, transistors & amplifiers. Other important topics under this are oscillators, Op Amp, wave shaping circuits, multivibrators, waveform generators & power supplies. This topic will also include some kind of numericals, so try to solve some numerals also.
- In digital electronics, you should solve some numericals from good reference books. Solve the numericals on the topics which are in your syllabus, don’t go beyond the syllabus.
- For energy conversion, try to cover the whole syllabus. Try to solve numericals & focus on theory as well. Go through previous year question papers & solve all the numericals on this topic.
- In analog communication, focus on AM, FM, and PM. Also, cover the entire modulation & demodulation from the relevant book.
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Paper 2 Strategy
- The first necessary topic is control systems, for this stick to the syllabus & study the whole syllabus carefully. Read the specific topics from the book rather than reading the entire book.
- For digital communication you need to focus on PCM, DPCM and DM. also focus on microprocessors, this will help you to fetch good marks.
- In microprocessors & microcomputers, focus on peripherals & their properties. Try to solve previous year question papers related to this topic.
- In power system protection read the books which include the topics like protective relays & circuit breakers. Focus on the questions from this topic.
- For measurement & instrumentation, you have to study the whole syllabus. You can skip the numericals or practice less for numericals but this is recommended only if you have a shorter time. If you have relevant time for your preparation then focus on numericals also. The drawbacks of instruments are another thing which you need to focus, so make the notes of the drawbacks also.
- For power systems, diagrams & flowcharts play an important role. Solve the previous year papers to get an idea about the questions on this topic.
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Reference Material/ Books
Paper 1
- Circuit Theory: A. Chakrabarti
- Signals and systems: Oppenheim and Willsky
- E.M. Theory: K.D. Prasad.
- Analog Electronics: J.B. Gupta.
- Digital Electronics: M.Morris Mano
- Energy Conversion: Ashfaq Hussain
- Power Electronics and Electric Drives: PS Bhimbra
- Analog Communication: Simon Haykin & BP Lathi & Singh and Sapre
Paper 2
- Control Systems: Nagrath & Gopal
- Microprocessors and Microcomputers: RS Gaonkar
- Measurement and Instrumentation: AK Sawhney
- Power Systems: Nagrath and Kothari & CL Wadhwa
- Power System Protection: CL Wadhwa
- Digital Communication: Same as Analog Communication.
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